From the Desk of Amarilys Torres

Hello Friends and Families of PS 38,

My name is Amarilys Torres, I am the Parent Coordinator at P.S. 38. I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. In this handbook, you will find a plethora of resources to help support your child’s academic success. I encourage you to read it and keep it handy as a resourceful tool.
At P.S. 38, I strive to ensure that you as a parent are equipped with the knowledge and resources to assist your child to succeed in their education. I also have numerous ways that I communicate updates and opportunities with families.

  1. Share your email with me to receive updated information
  2. You can also email me at
  3. Call me or text me at 929-617-0229

Lastly, make sure you have registered for your NYC Schools Account where you can access your child’s:

  1. Report card
  2. Attendance
  3. School schedule
  4. States Test Scores for Grades 3 and up.

NYC Public Schools Messages for Families