Parent Coordinator

From the Desk of Amarilys Torres
Hello Friends and Families of PS 38,
My name is Amarilys Torres, I am the Parent Coordinator at P.S. 38. I would like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. In this handbook, you will find a plethora of resources to help support your child’s academic success. I encourage you to read it and keep it handy as a resourceful tool.
At P.S. 38, I strive to ensure that you as a parent are equipped with the knowledge and resources to assist your child to succeed in their education. I also have numerous ways that I communicate updates and opportunities with families.
- Share your email with me to receive updated information
- You can also email me at
- Call me or text me at 929-617-0229
Lastly, make sure you have registered for your NYC Schools Account where you can access your child’s:
- Report card
- Attendance
- School schedule
- States Test Scores for Grades 3 and up.
NYC Public Schools Messages for Families