Attendance Law (Chancellors Regulation A-210)
All students registered at a NYC Public school are required to attend school on full time basis.
If parents are interested in scheduling a meeting with school staff, they should first communicate with Ms. Torres and then the detailed message will be relayed to the appropriate staff member.
Principals are responsible for:
- Ensuring the school is meeting with the attendance standards mandated by the state
- The planning, implementation and supervision of the school attendance by assigning an attendance coordinator. This coordinator in turn oversees the school attendance ensuring that all documentation, tracking, follow-up and support of all absent students are done in a timely matter.
- Any letter sent home to families will highlight students’ attendance, and ask parents to attend a meeting with administrators.
Parent’s responsibility:
- To ensure that your child is in a school every day and on time
- Send notice to the school explaining why your child is absent or late (ed. Doctor visit or incident)
- Log into NYC Schools Account to keep track of your child’s absence
- Answer the call. “It’s 9am do you know where your child is?”
Attendance Committee:
Each school must have an Attendance Committee consisting of teachers, administrators, attendance teacher, guidance counselors and other personnel. The purpose of the Attendance Committee is to review and improve school attendance according to the A-215 minimum standards for attendance program:
- A parent must be contacted to determine the cause for an unexplained absence
- Parents are expected to submit a note or letter to the school explaining why their child was absent.
- A letter from the doctor should be provided if the child has extended or frequent absences due to illness
The attendance committee then reviews and the Attendance Coordinator logs the information into the ILOG system on ATS
What is a Form 407 and when is it generated?
A form 407 is an Attendance Tracking System for every student that requires an investigation for their absences. This form is a document, which ensures that the proper steps have been taken for follow-up and outreach at the school under the following conditions:
When students have been, absent for:
- 8 consecutive days
- 20 aggregate days (over the course of 4 months)
In addition to these factors mentioned above a Form 407 can also be generated when a student:
- Does not return to school after a suspension or vacation.
- Special Education Students authorized to be at another site do not report within five days
- When it is necessary to conduct an address investigation in order to confirm residency
- When the principal requests an investigation
Form 407 is generated to implement the following:
- Interventions
- Outreach efforts